Welcome to Fellowship.

Welcome to Fellowship Baptist Church. We are a diverse community of believers committed to serving God and one another. We pray that you will join us and find your place in the body of Christ as we experience his presence, power, and peace.

Upcoming Events

May 2024
25 May 2024

Creation Museum

On July 27th the church will be traveling to the Creation Museum. Prior to our going, we will be showing some weekly videos that are educational as to why we believe in a six day creation. NOTE: If you plan on going you “MUST” have your name on the sign-up sheet at the church on …

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July 2024
03 July 2024


Start practicing that hymn now and be prepared to bless others on July 30th. Also, you may know someone that might want to come and share their talent Or testimony.

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24 July 2024

Scripture Verse of the Week

“ Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen Revelation 1:7

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24 July 2024

Word of the Week

“We are like people under a sentence of death, waiting for the date to be set. We sense that something is about to happen. We know that things cannot go on as they are. History has reached an dilemma. We are now on a collision course. Something is about to give. I believe that this …

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24 July 2024

Everybody Sunday

We have been in the process of renovation our sanctuary by painting, changing a few things around our pulpit area, a new welcome center, putting new carpet throughout the sanctuary and having the pews completely refinished, and re-covered with material and new foam. We hope to complete the renovation by the middle of August. We …

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28 July 2024

Sunday Sermons

Morning: “End Times” I Thess. 4:15-18 Evening: “Hard To Believe” Acts 2:1-13

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August 2024
04 August 2024


On Sunday afternoon at 2 PM there will be a back-to-school prayer schedule for all school locations. Pastors and lay leaders will be disbursed over all locations. You can join Denise and I at the Harlow Administration/Mercer central day treatment at 530 Perryville Street to pray for our children, faculty, premises, bus drivers etc…. Grab …

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21 August 2024

Youth Committee Meeting

This will be our next youth committee meeting to follow-up with what’s being happening since our last meeting. To determine if there needs to be any change in the curriculum for Sunday mornings and to hear what they are studying on Wednesday nights. Also, to schedule out another 2-3 months of activities and goals being …

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“My hope as pastor is that you will feel and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit each time you visit.”

Pastor Lynn

We Reside

In His Pressence

We reign

In His Power

We Rest

In His Peace

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

1 Corinthians 12:27